Post Tagged with: "linux"

Linux: File Descriptors, Streams and Pipes

File Descriptor: Linux file descriptors are non-negative integers that help in identifying an open file within a process while using input/output resources like network sockets or pipes. It can be considered as an index table of open files. A kernel creates an FD whenever it encounters an open call. each […]

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Linux: HA-Proxy vs Varnish: What, How and Where

HA-Proxy HAProxy, or High Availability Proxy is used for load balancing. Load-balancer servers are also known as front-end servers. Generally, their purpose is to direct users to available application servers. A load-balancer server may have only the load balancer application (HAProxy) installed or, in rare cases, it may be an […]

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linux shell

Linux: Shell Lifecycle

Before writing this, I wondered the same what goes on inside a shell lifecycle. It was explained to me in one of my system administration class but we certainly do not recollect everything in a graduate course. At work, I barely think before randomly typing a command, as to what […]

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linux boot process

Linux: Boot Process

The first step of the boot process is the BIOS (Basic Input Output System). 1. BIOS – Basic Input/Output System Performs system integrity checks Initializes hardware, detecting drives, USB, CD-ROMs, network cards, and any other hardware. Searches, loads, and executes the boot loader program. Go step-by-step through each boot device […]

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load balancing

Linux: Load Balancing VS Load Sharing

These terms are used wrongly in so many ways that I sometimes cringe on it. More because I am confused when to relate to what. When you are a beginner you may overlook the difference Load Balancing VS Load Sharing, but you do need to be specific when you are […]

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dns working

Linux: How does DNS work?

Many people will ask you in interviews what exactly happens when you type in your browser? And they want you to go in detail as possible. Or simply: How does dns work? 1. You type into the address bar of your browser. 2. Once you type it, the […]

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